
Hello all,  Restructuring the Imagine management team has been a long-term project. A huge part of that is ensuring we offer the right amount of support to everyone in the Imagine family.  We are happy to have found a great SLS Program Manager in Jessica Ortiz (a previous Facilitator) and to...

Dear Imagine friends and family, Greetings to you all. I want to start by reminding everyone that the Delta variant of the virus which causes COVID-19 is here and spreading quickly. Although vaccinated people remain well protected against serious illness, as with past variants, we are...

Dear Imagine friends and family, Greetings to you all. As most of you already know, Charlie Miller is our new Director of Services. He will be writing a monthly column of this newsletter which will share lessons guiding the development of our services. Examples might include...

Dear Imagine friends and family, Greetings to you all. Julie Ross Director of Services at Imagine since December 2013 will be leaving to take a new position at the Housing Choices Coalition. More on this in the newsletter. We're glad for the opportunity she's earned so...

Hello all,  You may have concerns about the change in leadership. For many of you, Julie has offered a good ear, considered your needs, felt your feelings and made you laugh. Periodically, int his column, I write to you about our open door policy, reminding you...

Hello, I wanted to write to you to keep everyone up to date on changing conditions with regard to the pandemic. As you are probably aware, the vaccines are working better than expected and the pandemic continues to fade. The Centers For Disease Control (CDC)...

Hello all,  Those of you who are Full Time employees with Imagine should have received an Open Enrollment email from me. Open Enrollment is the time to change insurance providers if you choose to or add/delete a dependent. Remember that you need to complete the open...

Hello, This is the twentieth weekly COVID update, and the final one to deserve the name weekly. Today's newsletter will focus on: Changes to the format and frequency of this newsletter.The situation in Santa Cruz County and at ImagineInformation about vaccines, vaccine availability and vaccinationDebriefing the...

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