Client Spotlight

Dean is excited to start his new life in Santa Cruz. He loves to bike on his tandem and trike, swim, play with balls of all kinds, and hang out with people! Dean has an older sister, Emma, and a younger brother, Nate, who he...

This month we would like to shine the client spotlight on our good friend Carson. Like all of us Carson was unable to focus as much on work as he would have liked during the pandemic. However he did not let this dampen his drive...

Congratulations to Uncle Ian and his family! Ian is a first time uncle and as you can see in this picture he is already a natural. We would also like to recognize how hard Ian worked with his team during his house move this week....

This month we would like to recognize Jerico as our client spotlight. Jerico has had a challenging year like all of us but has also had some extra stress with moving house, forrest fire evacuations, hotel quarantine drama as well the the stresses of every...

Chris was one of many Imagine clients who received their 2nd vaccine dose last week. Vaccinated and very bored, Chris is ready to safely return to his job at Pizza My Heart in the next few weeks. Chris has become very good at wearing his mask correctly while...

Abra is a young woman who loves puzzles, pizza and hanging out with her staff and housemate. In the last year Abra has really blossomed into a resilient young woman who has exhibited what it truly means to be flexible during a time when things...

Hello everyone, meet Julia! Julia is a brand new friend of Imagine and the Supported Living community. She is loving her new condo beach life, situated in the scenic "jewel box" neighborhood. Ocean views and park excursions are some of the best highlights of her...

Introducing the newest member of the Imagine family, Garrett! Garrett is joining our FHA program and is very excited with this huge new step and all the goals that come with it. Garrett loves animals, travel, and video games, and he's looking forward to making...

Our spotlight this month is on Scottie G! Scottie joined Imagine in August as he prepared for his move out of his childhood home to his new life in Santa Cruz. This has been a big transition into a home of his own in a new place....

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