I wanted to write to you to keep everyone up to date on changing conditions with regard to the pandemic. As you are probably aware, the vaccines are working better than expected and the pandemic continues to fade. The Centers For Disease Control (CDC) has changed guidelines for vaccinated individuals .
We are considering all of this information, as well as the inconvenience and discomfort caused by our current protocols. We also consider risks to our ability to support our coworkers and clients as well as the danger of stigmatizing colleagues and friends who make different decisions thoughtfully. It should be noted that while the CDC’s guidance for vaccinated individuals has changed substantially in the last weeks, the guidance for settings similar to the workplace at Imagine have changed much less.
The risk reduction committee, which has overseen Imagine’s pandemic response since early in the pandemic met yesterday to consider loosening some of our COVID-safety standards. At our meeting, we decided to wait a few more weeks and reconsider the question.
I know that those of you who are most concerned about this disease may be concerned that we are considering changes. I also know that those of you who feel eager for more natural relationships may be disappointed that we are continuing the protocols for now as they are. I know some of you, like me, may hold both concerns at the same time.
So the news today is that there is no news today. We will meet again in a few weeks to see what has changed and whether we are comfortable with a different decision. We are very open to your feedback. Please do write to me and I will make sure your view is considered at the next meeting.
In gratitude for all the sacrifices you have made for one another.