
Dear Imagine friends and family, As the COVID pandemic in California finishes its third month, we're taking stock of how grateful we are to the employees working to make sure that throughout the lockdown and in the face of plague, the people we serve are protected,...

Dear Imagine friends and family, I want to lead with how proud I am of all of you. You hope that in a crisis. we can all pull together. The Coronavirus pandemic is a real crisis and you have pulled together beautifully. People are staying home...

It is very important to prevent transmission of coronavirus. Imagine has begun planning for a pandemic alert, including by updating our emergency packs at each clients house and reviewing our policies for Universal precautions and Infectious diseases. See below for our policy. One of the most...

Dear Imagine friends and family, This is a tricky month.  There's some fun stuff coming up and, as of yet, no pandemic in Santa Cruz County.  We need to protect each other and those we serve so please do read the Human Resources Column of our March...

I hope that everyone has remained safe during this time of uncertainty. Imagine wants to thank all our direct support staff for the essential work you provide to our agency and our community. Our priority during this health crisis is to keep our staff and...

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