I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. As the summer months approach and we are all becoming accustomed to life in a pandemic, it is tempting to want to follow through with normal summer plans: Visiting family and friends, BBQs, Summer Vacations etc. As months go by it might feel like things are safer now, and to the extent that we now know more about what transmits the coronavirus, they are. However, even in the Santa Cruz County, that was previously noted as one of the counties in California with the least amount of community transmission, we are now seeing a rise in COVID-19 cases. We want to remind you that all of the protocols we are setting are to do with your safety and the safety of our clients. Direct care staff have been amazing during this crisis and we want to make sure you feel safe and cared for everyday while having to go in to work.
Although the Shelter-in-Place protocols that have recently been shared with the agency may seem strict, we are asking you to stick with us while we navigate this uncertain time. I hope everyone read the document that was shared with you earlier this week. Imagine Supported Living Services expects all employees to comply with the Shelter -in-Place order. In order to protect the people we serve during the Coronavirus pandemic, employees who need to travel are expected to consult with their facilitator and receive approval prior to travel. This does not mean that you are not allowed to take vacation time as usual. What this means is that we want to see everyone at Imagine using their best judgement when making travel plans this summer.
Additionally, you may see new policies regarding regular testing coming up soon. We would like to encourage everyone to get a COVID-19 test as soon as possible. Santa Cruz County and Monterey County both have testing sites that are free to community members. You do not have to have symptoms to get tested. In fact, all of the new protocols we are putting in to place have been driven by research and announcements from the CDC regarding “silent spreaders of COVID-19.” Those who have the virus and do not have any symptoms.
We know that social distancing has been difficult for many and that we all feel ready to return to normalcy. We ask you to join Imagine through this tough time as we all look forward to the future of typical summers, Bonfires and Gatherings. For now, we can all be together virtually and in spirit. If you are having a hard time with social distancing and sheltering in place because of home difficulties or mental health struggles, please remember we have an Employee Assistance Program available to all Imagine employees. I am also available for anyone that needs to talk.
If you would like to be tested for the novel Coronavirus, you can now get an appointment without a referral. Find the information here.
Patty Lopez
HR Coordinator
Imagine Supported Living Services