Author: Maggie Amezcua

Dear Imagine friends and family, We have suffered an upgrade to our newsletter platform. Please bear with our formatting while we discover all the benefits. As of this writing, nearly every client Imagine serves and more than 60 employees have completed their vaccination series. New case numbers...

Hello, While the vaccine is a step forward in managing the spread of COVID-19, we must all remember that it will not completely eradicate the disease. Many people will continue to be at risk, especially those that are unable to get the vaccine because of preexisting...

The state legislature has begun hearings on the Governor's budget. There are no cuts or increases to the Developmental Services budget anticipated but it will be worth watching to get a sense of how confident the state is in next year's budget, which might help...

Hello, Our second vaccine clinic will be February 25th! This is the twelfth weekly COVID update. Today's newsletter will focus on: How to prepare for the next vaccine clinic (This Thursday, dadgumit!)The situation in Santa Cruz County and at Imagine Current Situation: New cases in Santa Cruz County continue to...

Hello, Our second vaccine clinic will be February 25th! Two topics for today. In one, I will eat crow on some advice I gave out on Monday, in the second, some notes about the upcoming clinic. OK, first thing: On Monday, as part of their encouragement to use...

Hello, Our second vaccine clinic will be February 25th! This is the eleventh weekly COVID update. Today's newsletter will focus on: The situation in Santa Cruz County and at ImagineHow to prepare for the next vaccine clinicNew variants of the Coronavirus and what they might meanA description of...

Hello, Our second vaccine clinic will be February 25th! This is Lili standing in for Doug on the tenth edition of our temporary, weekly COVID-19 update. Our goal with this newsletter is to inform our community with whatever we know about the vaccination, conditions in the...

Our first vaccine clinic will be this Thursday, February 4! Hi, everyone; We just learned that the 12-6 appointment time was an error and that our clinic will be held from 10AM until 4PM instead. We are adjusting the 4-6 PM appointments. Everyone scheduled to receive a vaccination...

Hello, Our first vaccine clinic will be this Thursday, February 4! This is the ninth edition of our temporary, weekly COVID-19 update. Our goal with this newsletter is to inform our community with whatever we know about the vaccination, conditions in the County and cases at Imagine....

Abra is a young woman who loves puzzles, pizza and hanging out with her staff and housemate. In the last year Abra has really blossomed into a resilient young woman who has exhibited what it truly means to be flexible during a time when things...

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