Author: Maggie Amezcua

There are frequent (several a month) directives from the California Department of Developmental Services governing both operating requirements and special funding.  We track these and will inform you if one is especially constructive or terrifying. If you like to follow the action at home, they all...

Imagine is pleased to share the following resource developed by a group of our parents/conservators for other parents/conservators. It contains information to help you through some of the more difficult, but necessary, life planning activities. These provide guidance to future friends, family and caregivers as...

This month we would like to recognize Kris, who participates in our FHA program. Even though things have been very different and difficult in the world lately, Kris has not let that stop him from working on his goals. Kris has shown real dedication and flexibility over...

Hello all, I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.  We are currently in our fourth month experiencing the new normals of life in a Pandemic, and fortunately we have still not experienced a positive case of COVID19 in our agency. We are continuously grateful for everyone's part in...

The legislature passed a budget without cuts to Imagine's funding. Overall the state is supporting the system during the pandemic with a great deal of extra funding which may or may not be adequate for all parts of the developmental disability system but has been...

Since March, Malcolm has not been able to work due to the coronavirus and the shelter-in-place orders. Malcolm takes so much pride in his work and not being there every day has taken a toll on him. But since he has been at home, he...

Dear Imagine friends and family, We very much want to thank those who donated to our Gratitude Fund.  With the match from Imagine, we will be dividing $20,000 into bonuses for staff who have kept those we serve safe, respected and entertained during the pandemic while...

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