Author: Maggie Amezcua

The Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) has produced a report (you can read it here) which suggests that the state budget is in much better shape than expected.  We state is still projected to finish this fiscal year in deficit and begin next year the same...

Our spotlight this month is on Scottie G! Scottie joined Imagine in August as he prepared for his move out of his childhood home to his new life in Santa Cruz. This has been a big transition into a home of his own in a new place....

Dear Imagine friends and family, Welcome to our new subscribers.  For most of the last several years, this newsletter has gone out to primarily the staff, clients and families of Imagine. This month, a tenth of our subscribers are new friends who signed up before during...

Image text: "Our spotlight this month is Tiffany! Tiffany joined Imagine back in August and is enjoying being a part of our family. Tiffany lives with her wonderful doggie, Sparky! Sparky is getting older, so he is slowing down but he still enjoys his daily...

Dear Imagine friends and family, Imagine has taken an important step establishing an endowment and by golly, our COVID-safe substitute film festival might just be the best one yet. And we're looking forward to Julia and Scottie starting their new lives with us in October. We've been...

Hello all, I hope everyone is safe and well. It seems that everyone I speak with lately has expressed feeling overly tired or stressed out. With everything happening this year, it's to be expected that our emotions are running high. One more thing to keep in...

By and large, the workgroups which the state Department of Developmental Services uses to help develop new policy have not been meeting during the COVID-19 crisis and the meetings that have occurred have been largely crisis focused.  The next sign  we have longer-term thinking by...

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