
We are excited to post this article: Human Race: 1,300 Raise $175,000 about the 2020 Human Race! It shares some kind words about Imagine, and sheds some well-deserved acknowledgment on one of Imagine's fantastic fundraisers. ...

The 2020 Human Race comes at a very difficult time for our and every community. Imagine, like everyone, faces unprecedented challenges in the face of the COViD-19 pandemic.  However, our funding from the State and our Regional Center partners will be adequate for continuing and...

Our Holiday fundraising campaign ended Friday with one last donation.  You gave $26,060 worth of shelter against the weather. Those funds allow us to keep our posture forward, less worried about economic and policy developments, less prone to wage cuts or lay-offs and better able...

Our holiday party will begin at 6PM on December 6 at Peace United, 900 High Street in Santa Cruz (the usual spot.) There will be eating, drinking, singing, dancing, making merry and other seasonal traditions we do the rest of the year too.We welcome you...

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