From the Director

Dear Imagine friends and family, Imagine in the Season of Treason: As a society, we have a reached a moment when principles, values, law and the other social sources of consistency in communities are being suddenly and dramatically devalued while interruption, strife, challenge and suddenness have...

Dear Imagine friends and family, Greetings to you all. I want to start by reminding everyone that the Delta variant of the virus which causes COVID-19 is here and spreading quickly. Although vaccinated people remain well protected against serious illness, as with past variants, we are...

Dear Imagine friends and family, Greetings to you all. As most of you already know, Charlie Miller is our new Director of Services. He will be writing a monthly column of this newsletter which will share lessons guiding the development of our services. Examples might include...

Dear Imagine friends and family, Greetings to you all. Julie Ross Director of Services at Imagine since December 2013 will be leaving to take a new position at the Housing Choices Coalition. More on this in the newsletter. We're glad for the opportunity she's earned so...

Dear Imagine friends and family, Spring greetings to all of you. The air carries the fresh scent of hope, the sky swirls with slate red clouds of challenge and the way ahead looks rough and steep. Perfect Imagine weather if you ask me. The most important thing...

Dear Imagine friends and family, We have suffered an upgrade to our newsletter platform. Please bear with our formatting while we discover all the benefits. As of this writing, nearly every client Imagine serves and more than 60 employees have completed their vaccination series. New case numbers...

Dear Imagine friends and family, We are coming through a dark time into a time of hope. Many of the troubles that have framed 2020 seem likely to end in a far better 2021, but those things will be harder before they soften. Our commitment has...

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