Dear Imagine friends and family,
We’ve had birthday parties, a pot-luck and some fevers. But we’ve stayed strong in seeking more for the young people we serve and more for those in mid-life and surrounding those near the ends of their lives with love, compassion and positivity.
For family-members of people we serve, we had a pot-luck on the 9th. It was well-attended and a good time for fellowship. There’s a lot of talking still to do in groups and among us and we’re always glad for the opportunity to discuss our services and how to make them better. We’ll do it again this summer and, of course, we’re here all the time too.
We’ll be hosting our Valentine’s Day party on Valentine’s Day Eve, February 13 from 4:30-7 PM at Imagine. Come and be amorous, within reason.
Patty has returned part time and should be writing the next newsletter’s Human Resources Column. This month, it covers management’s view of corrective action and remain verbose.
Our annual fundraiser went very well and we exceeded a pretty audacious goal. The generosity of our community supports a generous culture at Imagine. We appreciate you. See below for the spiking of the football.
As ever, if you have any questions, feedback or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can write me here.
Gratefully yours,