Dear Imagine friends and family,
Gratitude comes easy this time of year. Our holiday train ride, donated by Roaring Camp railroad happened yesterday as the newsletter goes and this Sunday as I’m writing. It sure will have been fun. We annually really appreciate Roaring Camp making this excursion available at no cost to those with special needs. If you RSVPed for this event to Lili, come find me for your ticket on Sunday well before 4:30.
Our Holiday Party this year will be on December 6. We’re really looking forward to it and hope you’ll join us. Please RSVP to Lili if you can make it. We’d love for you to come. Emma Lynn says she won’t be taking the mic this year and we’ll see how that goes.
Speaking of parties, our Thanksgiving potluck was hosted this year by the women of Kennedy house. Not all of the people we serve, nor all of our colleagues have family within Thanksgiving distance. Events like these help insure that everyone in our community has the family companionship so many of us look to the holidays for. We’ll do another event on Christmas. As those plans firm up, we’ll get the word out to our community but expect dinner and a movie and do reach out to me, Lili or a Facilitator if you’d like to join us.
Meet Daniela and Fabi, terrific temps who can help you with your Human Resources support while we wait for Patty’s son to grow up.
Our holiday campaign is off to a great start. Imagine makes every effort to achieve excellence within our regular funding. Most of those we serve will need our support throughout their lives and those lives will last a long time and with that perspective, all of our careful stewardship and long-term planning can feel brittle. The generosity of our community gives us the resilience we need and that the people we serve need us to maintain.
We want to acknowledge that our friends and family at Coastal Havens (née Costanoa Commons) have started working building lifetime homes for people with special needs. Although Coastal Havens lies just below the Pogonip nature park, the real wilderness they’ve wandered lo these many years has been municipal. We’re glad to see their impressive energy turn toward building supplies. Congratulations, friends.
Gratefully yours,