Dear Imagine friends and family,
I do hope all of you are well and staying safe. This last month was the 2020-est month of the year with the fires and evacuations. Once again, we were up to the challenge. Everyone got the care they needed and staff supported each other. Employees of Imagine were displaced with the people they serve to Seaside and Sunnyvale and stayed together in support. Parents helped. Clients adapted. You are an extraordinary community.
We aren’t through it all, although the fires are contained and the disease is spreading more slowly. We aren’t done and we can’t be complacent but thank you all for once again demonstrating that we can come through hardship together. The themes of our newsletter this month are: thanks, wow and phew.
To report on progress, Imagine has still not had a confirmed case of Coronavirus which represents great work on everyone’s part but also more than a little good luck. Please stay vigilant.
The CZU Complex fire which caused our local evacuations is almost 40% contained, as of this writing and all of Imagine’s clients and most staff have returned safely home. We’re grateful to all those who worked to contain the fires and saved so many lives and so much property. We’re thankful to the clients, families and staff who made the best of it.
Ready for some news? The Film Festival is coming back in late October as a Drive-in experience. Details to follow, and some of which will follow in a special edition of this newsletter early in the month.
Some of our magnificent parents got together and produced a brochure on long-term planning for a child with special needs. You can access it here.
During the pandemic, Imagine has been holding monthly telemeetings with family members and conservators of people we serve. The next is planned for September 30th at 4PM. If you would like to participate, you are welcome. Let Lili know and she’ll see you get the information you need to connect.
As ever, if you have any questions, feedback or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can write me here.
Gratefully yours,