We have all been feeling the consequences of sheltering in our residences, but Karen has been trying to make the most of it by keeping herself busy by doing what she loves most. Karen has been pampering herself with relaxing baths and routinely paints her nails her favorite nail polish color – red! Karen has been avoiding retail and grocery stores by shopping online and ordering grocery delivery services to keep her and her team safer during these times. Karen has been maximizing her outdoor space by spending time on her back deck. She eats her meals outside when possible and lounges in the shade on her awesome bench swing. She has been tending to her garden and has been making flower arrangements cut from her very own landscaping. Even when Karen carves out time to take personal space away from her staff and housemates, she is not alone. She enjoys the company of her newly adopted kitty, Finx. Karen has been amused by Finx’s young and spunky energy – a big adjustment from her former senior fur baby of 12+ years. Karen fills her days by listening to music, singing on her iPad, and watching an abundance of new and old movies provided by her various cable and TV apps. Karen has been helping keep her local restaurants alive, and recently indulged in a pizza and salad delivery from her neighboring pizza parlor as a treat to herself during Memorial Day weekend. Hope you all are able to keep yourselves busy and content at home like Karen has! Stay safe and stay sane, everyone!
-Submitted by Cherice