Dear Imagine friends and family,
Greetings to you all. It feels like there’s a lot going on, although that might be because we’ve had a year of scarcely anything. We’re very excited about the ImagineNation Wander, which will take place June 19 but you sure can sign up now. Let’s have some fun together apart, hopefully as a farewell to the pandemic. You can learn more, including our plan and how you can participate in Lili’s column below.
But a few things about the Wander, we built it around our principles as well as our circumstances. Because we value lifelong learning, the event is meant to encourage exploration. Because we value the individuals of whom Imagine is built, everyone can choose how and why they participate. Because we value our community, we will be sharing 10% of the proceeds with the Community Action Board of Santa Cruz County. Because our community values us, Imagine’s costs and prizes will be covered by our sponsors, beginning with Aveanna Healthcare.
Although the pandemic has not yet ended, now is a good time to start taking stock. There is a lot we need to learn about ourselves now. What have we learned that we want to build on and what have we learned that, when the time comes, we might want to dispose of with the masks. We’ll want to examine what we have done in the last fourteen months and decide what helped and what was just well-intentioned. We want to be readier for the next emergency. We’ll want to make sure that all the good that can be taken from a hard year.
Obviously, that’s a conversation we’ll have as a community. Please stay tuned. We’ll make plans during May and begin bringing you all in to the conversation this summer. If you have any thoughts about how that should go, feel free to write me.
Imagine’s office is now open from noon until 3pm. Folks are around much of the week but if you need something from the office, you can come during those hours without making an appointment.
Here we are pretty deep in here and I haven’t mentioned COVID-19. We haven’t had a case among our clients or coworkers since the last newsletter came out. Across the country and across the State, cases are falling as the vaccines dry out a desert for this disease. But we are aware that in our County, the virus has been holding its own for weeks and we continue to urge caution. Our re-emergence will be slow and cautious. We still quarantine as we did, and require the three W’s (Watch your distance, wear a mask and wash your hands.) Also, if you haven’t been vaccinated, please consider it. Vaccine Finder still seems like a good way to find the shot(s) and life will get better faster for those who do.
We have changed our COVID protocol to allow visits between individuals we serve, currently limited to 2-3 households, During May, we will be reviewing our masking protocol to maintain safety while respecting the needs of those we serve. Any changes will be made in a person-centered way, team by team.
Imagine has been holding monthly telemeetings with family members and conservators of people we serve. The frequency of these meetings has changed to being quarterly, so the next one is planned for July 28th at 4 PM. This is an opportunity to discuss topics on your mind and ask questions. We have been doing monthly telemeetings during the pandemic but, hopefully, they’re getting too boring now to put you through but every third month. Let Lili know if you want to join us in July and she’ll see you get the information you need to connect.
As ever, if you have any questions, feedback or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can write me here. I look forward to hearing from you.
Gratefully yours,