This is the sixth edition of a temporary, weekly COVID-19 update (part b). Our goal with this newsletter is to inform our community with whatever we know about the vaccination, conditions in the County and cases at Imagine. Today’s newsletterette will cover:
- COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic for IHSS Providers this Friday, appointment needed
- DDS released two letters stating that caregivers and family members of people with developmental disabilities can be vaccinated in Phase 1a.
- Santa Cruz County will not include the employees of phase 1a organizations that qualified for the Long-Term Care Facility program in their vaccination program.
COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic for Santa Cruz IHSS providers this Friday:
A large number of Imagine employees are also IHSS providers. An email went out to some IHSS providers stating that a vaccine clinic has been established for Friday at Sutter Health in Santa Cruz. To access this you must be a certified provider and call (831) 454-5291 to make an appointment. The appointments will be given on a first-call, first-serve basis and the supply is limited. If you qualify and want in, don’t wait to call.
DDS Letters affirming that both paid caregivers and family members of individuals with developmental disabilities qualify for Phase 1a.
To the best of my knowledge, these letters are not, in and of themselves, tickets to vaccines but if you have a healthcare provider or can connect to a vaccination program, these letters support your claim as a member of a prioritized population.
For Caregivers, including Imagine employees.
For Family Members of people with developmental disabilities
Santa Cruz County Vaccine Program
I received notice today from the County that because Imagine qualified for the Long-Term Care Facility program, they intend to use their vaccines for other prioritized populations. If you are in a hurry, that might not be your fastest route.
We continue to hear that Imagine will soon have our own clinic here on site. As soon as soon turns into an actual date, we will let you all know. In the meanwhile, if you have not done so, you can help us do this quickly by filling out this form as well as, if you are the conservator of a client, this form. You can scan the form and send it to Patty.
As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
With gratitude and sincere wishes for your health, safety and wellbeing,