Imagine Weekly COVID Update 12

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Our second vaccine clinic will be February 25th!

This is the twelfth weekly COVID update. Today’s newsletter will focus on:

  • How to prepare for the next vaccine clinic (This Thursday, dadgumit!)
  • The situation in Santa Cruz County and at Imagine

Current Situation: New cases in Santa Cruz County continue to fall- in the last week they have fallen almost by half compared to the week before. The virus remains dangerous and care due, but we should enjoy how much less pervasive this disease is right now than it has been. The precautions we are taking and the sacrifices we’re have an impact. Please continue wearing masks, washing hands, and social distancing. And thank you for your role making our community safer.

Cases at Imagine: We have one employee who has been diagnosed with COVID in the last week. By being pro-active, she quarantined as soon as she was likely exposed and we believe there was no client or coworker at Imagine placed at risk. Two other employees have been exposed and also did all the right things. As we understand it, both were exposed after their most recent work shift so, again, we do not believe anyone else in the Imagine family is at risk.

Imagine’s second vaccine clinic is scheduled for this Thursday, February 25th (Clinic ID: CI265864). Anyone who received their first vaccine dose on the 4th should come back on the 25th for the second dose. For anyone who needs their first dose of the vaccine, you can get it at this upcoming clinic as well. This will be the last chance for a first dose through the Imagine clinic. Anyone interested in the vaccine or coming back for their second dose needs to complete the vaccine consent formForms can be printed out and dropped off at the office, or filled in and emailed as a PDF to Patty (we ask for all forms to be submitted in advance). Please include the Clinic ID on the form as well (Clinic ID: CI265864).


The Imagine clinic is one way to get the vaccine, but the county has provided this document which has a slew of alternative sources as well as how to start the process. If you need evidence that you belong in Phase 1(a) we have produced this letter for employees and this letter for clients of Imagine.

About the schedule: As with the last clinic, our scheduled time is from 12-6PM. You might remember that on Wednesday, November 4, the day before our first clinic, we received a call letting us know that the real time was 10AM-4PM. That might happen again, but we haven’t found the person to tell us so.

So this time, Patty will be sending you a confirmation time between Noon and 4PM. If the schedule shifts as it did last time, we will send a notice and you can come before your scheduled time.

Also, the last clinic was very efficient. If you arrive before your time, come on in. If you arrive late but before 4 (maybe 6,) come anyhow. 

Reminder about the rules: A few things remain true: People getting their first shot, of whom we expect many, may have no immunity to the virus that causes COVID-19. People getting their second dose have less immunity than they will. As a consequence, we are asking people to: 

  • Socially distance and wait in any line at one of the stations marked on the sidewalk. People from the same household or team may stand together, but please maintain your distance from others.
  • Wear masks, for pity’s sake.
  • If you have any questions, ask any of the office staff you see standing around.
  • If you are able to walk, please park by the high school or nearby and reserve Imagine’s parking lot for the clinic team and those with mobility challenges.

As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Be well and stay well and thank you for all you’ve done to get us through a year of pandemic,

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