Hello Everyone,
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Last month I wrote to you about the importance of getting a flu vaccine especially as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. We have decided to create a raffle of a $150 gift card for those of you who can submit your proof of receiving a flu vaccine. The reason we want to offer a small incentive for a flu vaccine is to really try to get ahead of what could be a difficult winter in terms of staffing across Imagine teams.
Remember that per CDC recommendation, we are evaluating anyone with flu like symptoms and in some cases asking folks to quarantine for a full 14 days. We know you are doing your best to keep yourself, your coworkers and your clients safe. We just want to encourage extra precaution if you can and the flu vaccine is a perfect way to do that.
Additionally, you should have received a survey from your Facilitator that asks you to share your holiday travel plans with us. Completing that survey will enter you in another $150 gift card raffle! Once again we are trying to get ahead of a potential crisis by really evaluating what our staffing needs will be ahead of time. Please note in regards to travel plans, that we are not here to discourage, or reprimand any staff for their holiday plans. It is in all our best interest to make a safe plan with you and make sure you feel your holiday plans carried through. We hope that we receive honest surveys from all of you so that we can begin the steps of finding substitute HSS to fill the holes in the schedules.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions regarding either of these two raffles or if you would like to work out a holiday plan with us.
One more brief reminder: Our next All Staff Meeting is November 18th, 2020. We will be taking about Injury and Illness Prevention as well as have a guest presenter talk about Suicide Prevention in the time of COVID-19. Unfortunately, suicide rates tend to peak during the holidays and higher rates have been expected due to the depression and isolation caused by the pandemic. Please join us for this meeting.
As always, I am available for anyone that needs to talk about mental health resources or anything else that might be affecting your work.
Best Regards,
Patty Lopez