The state legislature has begun hearings on the Governor’s budget. There are no cuts or increases to the Developmental Services budget anticipated but it will be worth watching to get a sense of how confident the state is in next year’s budget, which might help us anticipate the budget for 2022-2023.
The Governor’s budget is revised every year mid-May, a document creatively named the May Revise. Although there is likely little to win or lose, the passage of each federal law that includes support to States makes possible a certain level of one-time expenditures. This is a long way from where we thought we’d be. Much of the effort to influence the May revise will be done in less open air. As ever, Imagine’s advocacy gets split between management’s work with the California Disability Community Action Network (CDCAN) and whatever you all choose to do. Consider a conversation with a legislator. If you would like to receive CDCAN updates, write to Marty Omoto, which you can do by clicking here.
-Submitted by Doug