The state budget process is winding up six weeks late. There is some good news and not much bad, but still not enough detail to know what it all means for Imagine and other supports available to the community of people affected by developmental disability. We know that there is funding to pay for the final minimum wage increase of this cycle, that our most recent rate increases are no longer scheduled to elapse and that there are to be additional rate increases going into effect April 1, 2022. I challenge you to read the whole 174-page trailer bill and come back with any information more specific than this paragraph.
As we learn more about the methods the Department of Developmental Services intends to use to carry out the rate increase and other priorities, we will let you know.
As ever, Imagine’s advocacy gets split between management’s work with the California Disability Community Action Network (CDCAN) and whatever you all choose to do. Consider a conversation with a legislator. If you would like to receive CDCAN updates, write to Marty Omoto, which you can do by clicking here.
-Submitted by Doug