Dear Imagine friends and family,
We are coming through a dark time into a time of hope. Many of the troubles that have framed 2020 seem likely to end in a far better 2021, but those things will be harder before they soften. Our commitment has to be to a grim vigilance until we can celebrate together.
The Centers for Disease Control has a program to provide early vaccination to people who provide or are in long-term care, and we have signed up for it. Santa Cruz County has another program to target vulnerable people and essential workers with vaccines. Imagine has signed up for the first, and communicates with the County over the second. We hope that the time is not long until those who are willing to be vaccinated can relax just a little. But that time is not now, either.
Right now, by the Monterey Bay, we’re experiencing a sharp spike in cases. The number of known active cases of COVID-19 is now almost five times what it was a couple weeks back. As we look into this winter and these holidays, it is more important than ever that we remain with those in our household and workplace and as few others as possible. Imagine will be as strict as we’ve ever been with risky behavior among our employees and as grateful for the caution our colleagues take and the care they give. This year, try to restrict your visitors to elves and reindeer.
Imagine has still not had a confirmed case of COVID-19. If we are mindful and stay lucky, we can hope to reach the vaccine without suffering the harsh consequences this disease has brought to so many. For that, I’m very grateful. Three people we serve have been quarantined for some time due to symptoms of possible exposure and dozens of employees have quarantined for those reasons or due to travel. A lot of sacrifices have been made to defend our community and thank you to all who have made them. We appreciate your help and ask you to let someone know any time you have symptoms.
We do have to remind you that our annual Holiday Party, like the Gathering of Extraordinary People has been cancelled for safety reasons. We are working on a remote event for December or January so please stay tuned. When we can celebrate together, that’s going to be one heck of a hoedown.
During the pandemic, Imagine has been holding monthly telemeetings with family members and conservators of people we serve. The next is planned for Tomorrow, December 2nd and again on December 30, both at 4 PM. If you would like to participate, you are welcome. Let Lili know and she’ll see you get the information you need to connect.
We have a new group forming, called Community Connections toward a goal of deepening relationships and promoting peer-to-peer mentoring among family members of people served by Imagine and our management. We shared this with you last month as well.
We have established an Acorn fund for our endowment, and we have started our holiday fundraising campaign. If you usually get a letter from us as part of the campaign, look forward to receiving one next week. If you would like to receive one, write to me or to Lili. If you want to smugly through the letter unopened on the fire, knowing perfectly well you’ve already given, you can get a head start here. I am pretty sure today is “Giving Tuesday” but that’s about all you’ll hear from us about that.
As ever, if you have any questions, feedback or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can write me here. I look forward to hearing from you.
Gratefully yours,