Community Connections

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We will have our first Community Connections meeting of 2024 on Wednesday, May 22nd, at 3:00 p.m. at the Imagine office. As a newer board member, I am looking forward to this encounter and to getting to know more of the Imagine family.

Everyone is welcome to attend, and in addition to myself, we will have Doug, Heather, and our board president, Janine, in attendance. I know that I plan on coming to this meeting with open ears, and I would love to hear what you all envision for the Community Connections committee moving forward. We will also make time during the meeting to answer questions from anyone in attendance as best we can. Additionally, I would like to dedicate a substantial portion of the meeting toward highlighting both the progress we have made in increasing wages for direct care staff and also cost increases in other essential business operations.

Please join us for the first of what will be many Community Connections meetings as we resume holding them regularly each quarter. Please come with an open mind, ready to ask questions and a willingness to help come up with some solutions as well. I look forward to seeing you all upcoming!

Thank you,


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