Tom P. – Client Spotlight!

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My man, Tom, is Imagine’s most introverted extrovert or our most affable hermit. Tom is very generous with his care for others. He is genuinely and memorably delighted at others’ good fortune. He is also instinctively philosophical when people he knows fall on hard times.

Whether in his outgoing mood or his more artistic mode, Tom is a real friend to his friends (Seen here with Chris). He loves good company, bonds with caregivers, and is an extravagant fan of his moms.

He’s a hard worker, too, with years at Safeway.

Tom is jet fuel for the caregiving profession, and we appreciate him for keeping our jets charged, turning, and burning.

That said, Tom, I still haven’t been to Dave & Buster’s. I’m just sitting here hoping for an invitation one day.

Abi & Omar – Caregiver Spotlight!

I’d like to mention Abigail and Omar because their addition to our team has been such a success. I can’t thank each of them enough for being so great with David and bringing structure into David’s weekdays. I’ve noticed how much David’s mood has improved and his outings and activities help so much in expressing all of David’s energy. Again, a huge thank you to Abigail and Omar for all of their contributions to the team.

-Submitted by Russell

Whether volunteering at Common Roots farm, going on trips to the park, or taking long walks on the beach, they have added happiness and excitement to David’s life. Their easy and calm nature is reflected in David’s positive attitude. They have solidified the team, and we are so thankful for how much they have positively affected David’s life.

Submitted by James

Editor’s note: I appreciate these comments from Russell and James. From my perspective as David’s co-facilitator, the arrival of Omar and Abi marks a transition from a team trying very hard to accomplish goals for David’s mental and physical health to succeed. By a lot. Quickly. Angie, the other Facilitator, and I are really grateful that these two young people made so much positive impact.


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