Imagine’s Supported Living is a service available to adults diagnosed with a developmental disability who are receiving support through the CA Regional Center system. Supported living is guided by the following principles:
- Individuals shall be supported in living arrangements which are typical of those in which persons without disabilities reside.
- The services or supports that an individual receives shall change as his or her needs change.
- The individual’s preference shall guide decisions concerning where and with whom he or she lives.
- Individuals shall have control over the environment within their own home.
- The purpose of furnishing services and supports to an individual shall be to assist that individual to exercise choice in his or her life while building critical and durable relationships with other individuals.
- The services or supports shall be flexible and tailored to an individual’s needs and preferences.
- Services and supports are most effective when furnished where a person lives and within the context of his or her day-to-day activities.
- Individuals shall not be excluded from Supported Living Arrangements based solely on the nature and severity of their disabilities.
Imagine provides direct support and facilitation for each person we serve, with support from the people that are closest to that individual.