A Family Home Agency recruits, trains, certifies, and supports family homes which offer the opportunity for up to two adults individuals diagnosed with a developmental disability per home to live as a member of a family. The individual with a disability receives the necessary services and supports from the family and Imagine to support the individual to be a full participating member of the family and community where they reside. The Family Home Provider receives training and financial support from Imagine.
Imagine will carefully match individuals with families where the individual can create authentic membership in the family unit. We acknowledge that each family situation and individual served will have unique gifts and challenges. Imagine will work to support both the individual and family providers in creating the kind of family which best serves all interests.
If you have an extra room in your home and the desire and willingness to include an individual with a developmental disability into your family life, you should contact Charlie Miller at [email protected] to begin the conversation. As a Family Home Provider, you will receive a monthly payment for room and board in addition to a tax free monthly stipend based on the support needs your family will provide to the adult with a disability you invite into your family. Your family will be supported by Imagine, relief staff and out of home respite opportunities for the individual living with you.
Here is a partial list of requirements to become a certified Family Home Provider.
To be eligible for this service, you must:
If you are eligible and interested in living in a family home as described above, please contact your Service Coordinator for more information.